Black-Banded Sea Krait Rigged

*Note: We’re receive notice that if your Unity Engine’s version is earlier than 2018 the importation of the model might cause some issue. Credit to our staff Ms.SuVisit our facebook page at: Work at Youtube: simple low poly rigged and textured 3D model of of the Laticauda semifasciata-Black-Banded Sea Krait. This sea-borne snake is actually too slow to catch fish in a straight chase, so it hunts for fish hiding in the coral. It lives most of its lives at sea while female lay eggs on land.This rig comes compatible with Maya 2018, with full Animschool control include and is able to perform complex movement like the actual animal as shown.This is the 13th of the many sea series that we will continue to upload on a weekly basis.

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SELLER-USER-NAME Armored Interactive
3D Model formats FBX, OBJ, BLENDER, TEXTURES, Materials
3D Model details VR / AR / Low-poly, Textures, Materials, UV Mapping, Scale transformations
Triangles 3.5k
Vertices 1.8k
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