Precision Lancer LACR-X10R8 Rigged

*Note: the spinning ventilation moving out of position is cause by the export process, the actual SetUp files does not contain such error.This is a weapon that I made for a 3D model gun competition. LACR-X10R8, also known as the “Precision Lancer” or “Christmas tree of death” refers by its operators, is a shoulder-mounted rail gun that fires massive 70mm tungsten interlaced “lance” towards its target at a staggering speed of 4.2 km/s. However, being a product of desperation, LACR-X10R8 also suffers several critical issues such as exposed power unit and a massive length of 3 meters. It can only be operated sitting down due to its weight and outdated bipod and requires 2~3 men to carry around its parts.Most Infamously, after each shot the precision lancer would immediately go into ventilation mode, causing it to lit up like a Christmas tree. making its operator a prime target on the field, thus the nickname.This rig comes compatible with Maya 2018, with full animation controller included.

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SELLER-USER-NAME Armored Interactive
3D Model formats FBX, OBJ, BLENDER, TEXTURES, Materials
3D Model details VR / AR / Low-poly, Textures, Materials, UV Mapping, Scale transformations
Triangles 314k
Vertices 158.2k
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