Male Industrial Work Shoes

QuadsFit to any characterClean TopologyNo Overlapping Unwrapped UVs: Right and left share the same UVHigh quality textues: baked albedo, specular, normals, aoOBJ, FBX, gITF, USDZPBR and ClassicPlease ask for any other questions*ToSOur models’ derivative versions (changing the texture or the form) can be used and resold on any platform providing it doesn’t resemble the original (Minor tweaks are not accepted).You can use our items as you wish in any video and published media productionYou can use our items “as is” in your games providing source files can’t be downloadedYou can use our items “as is” in your projects commercially and non commercially providing our item is not the main item you are sellingThe rest of the usage is subject to Standard Licensing*

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3D Model formats FBX, OBJ, BLENDER, TEXTURES, Materials
3D Model details VR / AR / Low-poly, Textures, Materials, UV Mapping, Scale transformations
Triangles 44.8k
Vertices 22.9k
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