Low-poly, Game-ready model of a small garbage binTEXTURESHigh resolution PBR Metal/Roughness textures are provided in the additional files.Texture size: 2048 x 2048 Texture format: PNG 8 bit (uncompressed)Base Color (Diffuse)MetallicRoughnessHeightNormalAmbient OcclusionThis asset is part of our City collection which features many more models to re-create the perfect city for your projects!Check out all our City models here
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SELLER-USER-NAME | Ringtail Studios |
3D Model formats | FBX, OBJ, BLENDER, TEXTURES, Materials |
3D Model details | VR / AR / Low-poly, Textures, Materials, UV Mapping, Scale transformations |
Triangles | 2.1k |
Vertices | 1.1k |
Category | Architecture, Places & Travel |
Tags | city, cityscape, cityscene, game-ready, garbage, garbage-can, garbage-container, garbagebin, garbagecan, low-poly-model, plastic, town, trash, trash-bin, trashcan, waste, waste-bin, wastebin |