Cyberpunk style mod scoter, based on a Vespa model that has been heavily modified. Will ptovide additional .glb file format for download. 48K polys, 102K tri’s, 4K texture sets for 4 of the models five components – 2K for the remaining. PBR metal/rough textures.
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3D Model formats | FBX, OBJ, BLENDER, TEXTURES, Materials |
3D Model details | VR / AR / Low-poly, Textures, Materials, UV Mapping, Scale transformations |
Triangles | 102.7k |
Vertices | 56.1k |
Category | Cars & Vehicles, Science & Technology |
Tags | bike, cyber, cyberpunk, game, hardsurface, hi-tech, mod, moped, motorbike, punk, sccoter, sci-fi, street, technology, vehicle |