Model comes in 3 versions (ARC trooper included the same way) :FBX without skeletonFBX with skeleton & anim samplesAKT (akeytsu file with the rig, skin & anim samples)handpaint PBR textures set (TGA, 4K, uncompressed)Blaster/Rifle/Handblasters414th, 501st, Shock Trooper, & Default skinsHere is a view of ARC Troopers versions :Notes are included in order to understand how these files works. Read them carefuly before asking any question ;)While you can decide to redo the whole rig on maya/max/blender, I encourage you to try using akeytsu, you won’t regret it =)Des Bisous ! NB : Since I am an artist, this model is NOT a ripped asset of any kind (as anything I do) I’ve made it myself for my own project, which means 2 things :these assets have to be used under the Editorial License ONLY these are my own artistic vision of it, so details may differ
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SELLER-USER-NAME | Etienne Beschet |
3D Model formats | FBX, OBJ, BLENDER, TEXTURES, Materials |
3D Model details | VR / AR / Low-poly, Textures, Materials, UV Mapping, Scale transformations |
Triangles | 27.9k |
Vertices | 15.1k |
Category | Characters & Creatures, Weapons & Military |
Tags | 3dcoat, akeytsu, animation, blaster, clonetrooper, clonewars, cycles, dc15a, dc15s, etiennebeschet, fanart, handpaint, laser, noai, pbr, realtime, rig, sci-fi, skins, starwars, starwarsredemption, textures, unity, unrealengine, vexod14 |