Abfallbehälter für Bioabfall grün.PBR-Textures = 4K (*.JPG)Grün – Bioabfall bzw. Grünglas (Resedagrün)Hex 6c7c59RGB 108 124 89RAL 6011Parts:Name – AB Kunstoff Bioabfall gruen 120 LiterDimensions – 0.530m x 0.480m x 0.940mVertices = 3608Edges = 10938Polygons = 7292Name – AB Kunstoff Bioabfall gruen 240 LiterDimensions – 0.660m x 0.580m x 1.078mVertices = 3608Edges = 10938Polygons = 7292Name – AB Kunstoff Bioabfall gruen 60 LiterDimensions – 0.495m x 0.450m x 0.940mVertices = 3698Edges = 11184Polygons = 7448
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3D Model formats | FBX, OBJ, BLENDER, TEXTURES, Materials |
3D Model details | VR / AR / Low-poly, Textures, Materials, UV Mapping, Scale transformations |
Triangles | 36k |
Vertices | 19k |
Category | Architecture, Cars & Vehicles |
Tags | 120-liter, 240-liter, 3dhaupt, 60-liter, abfallbehaelter, abfalltonne, bioabfall, blender-3d, city-props, domestic-waste, entsorgung, gameready, garbage, hausmuell, low poly, muell, pbr, reifen, reseda-green, software-service-john-gmbh, textur, vis-all-3d, waste-bin, waste-disposal, waste-garbage-can, wheels |